(swing pastime in the rainy season July-August)
Govinda Lilamrta Srila Krishna das kaviraja Goswami
After Krishna and the gopis played like that, they came to a stage with a lotusshaped swing . In the south-eastern corner of Lalita's kunja is a jeweled lotus shaped swing-platform. The branches of two prominent Bakula trees, one on the west and one on the east, meet there, bending over upwards, covering these swings like a canopy. At the foot of this tree hangs a swing from its branches, bound in four corners with silken strings hanging at navel's length. There are eight ruby seats on this swing with eight lotuses made of coral, each the size of only a hand, surrounding the whorl-like seat of the swing. The centre of this lotus seat is a sixteen petaled lotus beautified with jewels, and there are two supports on each of the eight sides of the seat for keeping the feet, shaped like a lotus petal. There are eight gates (one on each side) on the swing. There are small rungs on the seat to support Radha and Krishna's backs and silken pillows behind Them and on Their sides. A nice canopy covered with clusters of leaves and strings of pearls like rows of moons as well as various wonderful clothes sown with golden threads hang over Their heads. (55-62)
A little below the eight-petaled lotus of Radhika, Acyuta and Their eight girlfriends, Vrndadevi is swinging with some other singing gopis. (63)
When Radha and Acyuta climb on the swing named Madanandolana (Cupid's movements) it look as if They face everyone. Han smiled and gave an indication to Yrnda and Kundalata to take the syringe out of Radhika's lotuslike hand. Radhika in Her turn snatched Krishna's flute from His sash. (49)
Kundavalli laughed and told Radhika: "0 Fairfaced girl! Leave this bamboo-flute! Don't touch it!", and to Madhava she said: "Give Radhika Her syringe back! It's a lady's property, don't touch it!" Radha and Krishna followed Kundalata's orders. (5O)
With His right hand Krishna gave Radhika Her syringe back and with His left hand He took His Murali-flute back from Her. During this exchange Han had a chance to touch Her lotushands. (51)
Unwilling Radhika was lifted upon the swing by Vrnda and Kundavalli who stood under it and Han forcibly pulled Her upon the swing. The sakhis all happily and loudly sang songs when Acyuta sat on the swing with His beloved. Some sakhis stood behind the swing and others before it, making it rock. (52-53)
When the swing's speed increased because of the sakhis' pushes, restless eyed Radhika trembled with fear and held on to Her lover; embracing Him. When the sakhis firmly pushed the swing, Radha and Krishna's hair loosened, Their earrings swung, Their sashes with their lockers, Their flowergarlands and Their bangles loosened. (54-55)
While swinging so quickly, restless-eyed Radhika asked for help from Her girlfriends, but the sakhis thought to themselves: "The swing became very restless because of our friend's swinging! She must be very satisfied with us, having Her desires fullfilled! Now our mistress wants to serve Her friends in some way!" Understanding this, they also climbed upon the swing. (56-57)
Thus Lalita and Visakha served the Divine Couple with betelleaves, Campakalata and Citra by fanning Them, and Tungavidya and Indulekha by serving Them a drink in two golden jars. (58)
Rangadevi and Sudevi took fragrant paste and powder and quickly climbed on the swing with love and eagerness. Starting from the eastern petal of the eight-petaled lotusswing, all the sakhis like Lalita served the Loving Couple one by one on the indication of their eyes. (59-60)
Then a most amazing thing happened: Radha and Krishna both appeared before each sakhi's eyes at the same time. Again the swing was pushed by Vrnda, Kundalata and others. This made it move in a wonderful way. Another amazing thing was that Han's reflection appeared at the side of each sakhi sitting on each of the swing's petals. Shri Radha and others could see how all the sakhis suddenly embraced Han. (61-63)
If the sun was not covered by clouds and the steady lightningstrikes with fresh rainclouds were rocked by a
strong wind, then the poets could compare that with the beauty of Krishna surrounded by His girlfriends on
the wing! (64)
Understanding Radhika's hint, Krishna took Lalita on the swing on His right side, placing His arm on her shoulder around her neck. Between Radha and Lalita He looked just like a cloud surrounded by lightningstrikes. (65)
Ku ndalata said: "0 friends! Look! Han rose inbetween Radha and Anuradha (two stars of those names, or Radha and Lalita) like the full moon in the firmament!" (66)
In this way Madhava took Visakha and all the sakhis on His right side one by one, blissfully embracing them on the swing. Then Shri Radha stepped off the swing, keeping Lalita and Visakha on Krishna's either side and began to wing it Herself. (67-68)
On Radha's indication Lalita and the other sakhis got off the swing and lifted Kancanavalli and others on it with force, seating them next to Krishna, one pair after the other. While these sakhis pleased Govinda with their joyful singing, one pair after the other; Radhika and the others pushed them. (69-70)
Lalita whispered something in Radha's ear. Radhika smiled and ascended the swing, forming many circles of gopis on it Radha sat on Krishna's left side and all the sakhis began to swing Them. Then Han appeared between every two sakhis in a wonderful way. (71-72)
If in this world a Tamala-tree would fly in the sky on a golden mountain, fully entwined by golden vines, with golden banana's around Him in a circle, it would resemble Sauri (Krishna) and the gopis on their swing.(73)
Then all the sakhis like Lalita happily got off the swing on Visakha's indication and let Radha on it with Acyuta, so that they could carefully swing Them high and fast. Radhika became afraid that She would fall off during the swinging. Han saw this and tightly embraced Her. Seeing the sakhis laugh at this, He took Radhika with Him off the swing. (74-75)
The Krishna-cloud, embraced by the lightning-like gopis, showered the whole world with His ambrosial play, extinguishing the thirst of the Cataka-bird-like gopis like Kundalata and Vrnda. All glories to the swing pastime in Shri Vrndaranya! (76)
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